Copyright Infringement, Harassment, Human Rights Violation and Child abuse, A theory of allegorical names( a theory of similarities) Book of Dreams (100 dreams of 100 famous people) 2011,Nelson Mandela Foundation and Legacy

From: Florence Flora Shoko™ 
Date: Sunday, September 8, 2019
Subject: Re: House of Flora Shoko™, Curtain-making business.
To:, "" <>,,,
Cc: > "Parliament Gov Info" <>, > "" > <>, > ""  <>,,,,,, SAPoliceService <>,,

Good day 

All information about my company and family's personal information should be removed from your career and the media. All hacked tweets about celebrities, dreams and A theory of allegorical names (similarities), hacked facebook page blog and emails should nt be used by you or any of your contacts and associates. 

Refrain from using my company and family information to advance your careers and that of your family members. Everything should be cancelled now or I'm going to sue you. You shouldn't use my information to write your manuscript/books or travel the world with my hacked information. You shouldn't sell my information to other companies for endorsements. 

Nelson Mandela Legacy and Foundation shouldn't use any information about me and family or Iym going to sue you. 

Florence M. Shoko
©2019 Mantshegele™ Media All rights reserved
From: Florence Flora Shoko™
Date: Saturday, July 20, 2019
Subject: Re: Copyright Infringement, Harassment, Human Rights Violation and Child abuse, A theory of allegorical names( a theory of similarities) Book of Dreams (100 dreams of 100 famous people) 2011,

Good day 

The following has to be removed. The information was copyrighted in 2009. 

Carolyn Steyn (@Carolyn_Steyn) tweeted at 11:31 a.m. on Fri, Jul 19, 2019:
My school!! @JeppeGirls is AMAZING!! 777 blankets (made with love) handed over to @67Blankets on #MandelaDay #67Blankets #JeppeGirls

Black Eagle Hotel (@BlackEagleHotel) tweeted at 2:32 p.m. on Fri, Jul 19, 2019:
Some photos of our very first knit-a-thon for Black Eagle.
With the assistance of the screen display and them amazing ladies around us, we are ready to work on our contribution of blankets to @67Blankets next year with @GuvonHotels

#Knitwits #67Blankets #MadibaDay

1. My bday is 07/07. Why are you promoting 777 with Carolyn Steyn. 

2. My mom and daughter are both named Catherine. What are you doing with Cathy Mohlahlana?

3. My sister is in China for many years. why are you promoting China since only last year? 

4. My mom studied her sewing at Knitwit. 

5. My address is 2019 and we have an artist in 2019. 
What's with with Nelson Mandela artwork and Winnie Mandela Museum. 

6. Book Mandela Dreams by Russ Truscott 2018? My manuscript Book of Dreams (100 dreams of famous people) 

7. Mandela 100 years vs My manuscript of 100 dreams of 100 famous people. 

8. Mandela 2019 t-shirts? 2019 is our physical address.

9. Last year in 2018 you were promoting Naledi Brown (who plays a guitar) while my daughters name Naledi. 

10. Graca Machel started Trek for Mandela on my birthday 07/07? Why didn't she start it on hers or Nelson Mandela's? 

Why are yoiusing my family's personal information to promote the Legacy of Nelson Mandela  when you should using Nelson Mandela's family information( names and birthdays) What's with Nelson Mandela Legacy or are are you comparing to Da Vinci Legacy? Its my family who's similar to Leonardo da,Vinci. 

Please correct this information. You can't use my family information to promote Nelson Mandela. Are you going to pay me for infringing on my copyrighted idea? You're using stolen information from my facebook pages and blog and you're harassing my daughter Naledi. You're harassing us girls  and women of 2019. 

You're infringing on copyrighted information and you have no permission. I want all this information removed from Nelson Mandel Centre of Memory, Foundation and Legacy because you're using stolen information and you have no permission. This my company information not Nelson Mandela's I the one who dreams not Nelson Mandela. You didn't record this information when he was alive. Why do it now?  

All information has to be removed or I'm going to sue. 

Florence M. Shoko
(c)2019 Mantshegele™ Media All rights reserved

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From: NMF <>
Date: Friday, July 19, 2019
Subject: Automatic reply: A theory of allegorical names( a theory of similarities)
To: Florence Flora Shoko™ <>
Good day,

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Mantshegele Media
