Harassment again...
We went to the police, SAPS and they refused to open a case. Like everyone they effuse to help or stop the stalkers from harassing us and so we still living with a problem for the past 6yrs. Only now it’s free for all everybody who wants to make money from our problem they do.
We wrote letters to the govt, Political Organizations, ANC, DA, ID you name them, Human Rights Commission they also don’t want to help, never bothered to respond, they don’t care .To think we are only two people (one family) a mother and child. No we don’t deserve help, we are not worthy, we are not famous, so they exploit us for personal gain. No they want to be famous first, no they are important, they are more equal than us. They just won’t be bothered, they have better things to do or worry about.
I remember the year I went to the Independent Complaints Directorate to complain and they refused to help, that year the Minister of Police issued a statement saying crime had declined. Yes, it is, Minister, because it is not reported, even when it is, your policeman throws away our statements.
“You must go find out who they are and come back and tell us where they live or we are not going to help you” that’s what they said to me when I went to them.
Even the ICD confirmed what they’ve told me. ‘You must name names and give them addresses.” Please I’m no idiot, nobody in their right mind will go chasing after psychopaths, who’ve been stalking me for years because my name is Florence and my daughter Catherine. What if I get killed?
I choose to be a statistic, of a different kind. I will be heard. I will be famous and there’s only one God.
I was given this name some 30 odd years ago, so it’s not my fault. Or you think I’m Mona Lisa and therefore deserve to die, or suffer in a country of my birth. Maybe Da Vinci was right all along, the paintings he drew of a mother and child will be about us because you are making us to be.
We like to think we are normal people and we deserve to be treated with dignity and respect in a country of our birth as per the Human Rights Declaration. (I read in Matric, have a certificate to prove it), and no Mr President we will not quietened. There’s a problem and it needs to be sorted, until such a time that it does, I will not remain quiet.
We have the whole SABC soapies writing stories about us, and celebs pretending to be us. Even shows, are done about us and we suffer. “Money is a root of all evil, it’s a sin” they tell me. So why are they making money out of me, is it the Jesus factor? They are doing that even now, making money out of Jesus but they forget, they refused to help him.
And so he said they saw me suffering and didn’t want to help, they knew I was hungry and refuse to feed me, no rich man will enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
It’s true neh, they’re are doing that, they stalkers are already in heaven down here, so what’s up with that? Is there something I don’t understand here? Do they think I’m just like them? Do they think I read the Bible wrong? I like to think not.
Yes the BCCSA refuse to forward our complaints, A lady by the name of Shouneez Martin wrote back to tell me I need proof, I must present “empirical evidence”, after I complained two times they just don’t want to stop. A woman at their offices wrote back to tell me it was a co incidence, but there’s’ just too many of those, dear that’s the problem.
So they were writing about Da Vinci but what is my father, little sister, best friend, neighbour and manager and close friend’s name’s doing in your soapie. This soapie is even flighted in the US and UK, later I discovered. Well they’re really making a lot of money aren’t they, from our lives, normal lives its entertainment, for the whole world to see and they pocket the money.
We have a Judas triangle over here but at least he was ashamed of what he did. He didn’t want the money after selling out Jesus. Not these people, no they are of a different kind, they are undeterred, and they refuse to back down. There’s a “NEED” “ISIDINGO” the story has to be told no matter, to hell with the consequences.
No, it doesn’t matter that the poor innocent woman they exploiting “feeding form her brain” and child lost her job because of it, these harassment that I am now forced to live with because of their greed. No it has to be told.
They even got a woman who practices magic and sing gospel (at the same time) to play a woman with vision/dreams well that’s just super, isn’t it. How do people understand the Bible, really. what did the Bible say about women who practise magic? What, now we have done? Please, I am a religious person. Ask Leonardo Da Vinci, we are members of Zion, it’s a religion.
It was mentioned 850 times in the Bible, we are not stupid. Write about the Bible or yourselves and not about me. This is something that you earn not steal, who you are trying to fool, certainly not me and God is not stupid. It won’t bring you any closer to Him. What did Jesus, curly hair and all, say about hypocrites? Everything was pre-planned, all the i’s were dotted and all the it’s were crossed. There’s nothing you can do, this was His plan, His master plan. God knows us only too well. So while you’re busy chasing over things that have nothing to do with you, he is busy creating a miracle somewhere.
While the fairies and angels want to bring you blessings they’ll find you busy sinning to give them to you, so they’ll simply pass them onto to the next deserving person. Then you’ll be forced to lie and cheat to be, who you think you are, or what others think you are but you can’t fool him. We are not the same but we all have to live according to the Laws of Moses, that’s where your blessings come from. I do and that’s what I’ll teach little Catherine. Like people do in our church, praying for others just like I was taught in church.
from Flora Shoko
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