These writers sure make stories about others don’t they and for what, financial gain? It doesn’t matter who gets hurt. The fact that we have been put under surveillance and harassed by people we have never met before makes no difference, to them as long as it puts cash in their pocket. Infringing on innocent people’s basic human rights means nothing to them. They’re not even afraid of getting arrested or sued.
A family that preys (Tyler Perry)
A family that prays: Ekasi stories (Sobabili Productions)
I don’t know how many times E TV’s repeated their stories on Mondays. We have no voice, so it doesn’t matter. Nobody will know. They are writers, they tell stories and that’s what they do, it doesn’t matter how these stories influence the lives of the people they write about. I wonder if they’ve ever thought of writing about themselves.
Here I am trying to sort out my harassment problem, so that me and my daughter can have a normal, decent life. like all. Here are these team of writers writing stories about me. They know I can’t get a lawyer because I can’t afford one. Somehow this situation makes us very easy target. A target, for everyone to have their way with us, but why? I wonder on how many people’s lives their stories are based on.
I would like to know where Bheki Sibiya and team got the idea of their “a family that pray’s” story from, because they sure didn’t get it from Tyler Perry’s “A Family that Preys.” Both these writers went on to link their characters’ stories with ours.
And the similarities:
A family that prays (Ekasi stories)
· The father’s purple jersey and shirt are the same as my daughter’s father.
· The dad on the story went on to work in Mpumalanga and so did my father
· A necklace bought by the father for the child on her Bday is exactly the same as the one that was bought for my daughter on her Bday by my mother (her grandmother) and same gift box.
· Who are the prayers in this scenario, don’t know because they sure aren’t on this story.
· But my dad attended a Bible college and graduated?
A family that Prey’s (Tyler Perry) .
A family that Prey’s (Tyler Perry) .
· The name Madya is linked to a woman called Florence Shoko in Zimbabwe, on the internet. Well this isn’t me no matter how much you want me to be, I’m just not, saw it on the internet like everybody. I don’t even know what this is about, didn’t even bother to find out. I just thought I was sharing a name with someone over there. If you all thought I was from there, then think again. I’ve never been and don’t intend to, it’s just my surname.
· Yes my father does distribute newspapers, exactly why you make fun of that, since it’s decent honest work compared to what you’re doing is really beyond me.
· Yes, actually I’m obsessed with the internet, but isn’t everyone?
· My mom was studying and graduated, honest work compared to what you are doing in the name of art.
· My aunt and Mother like to go to the casino once in a while, it’s for entertainment, but different to what you are doing.
· Yes we live at the 9th house from 2010 it has nothing to do with you. It’s a miracle didn’t happen to you, get over it.
· So Dan Brown wrote a book about us and made a lot of money, we can’t sue him we are not psycho’s cannot think like him, if we can’t sort him out God will for us. Be original and make stories about yourself not us we don’t know you and we certainly don’t like you. You are not that smart either.
· Perhaps Tyler Perry should have done research before he made this story or just be plain truthful if he can. Swearing at someone you’ve never met in the name of fame and glory is still a crime or maybe things work differently in the US. I thought we were all governed by the same Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Or does it apply to certain people only and not when you are famous and rich. I tell you me and my daughter are living with harassment because of what people writ e write about us. We have famous criminals I’m telling you and all in the name of fame.
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