About Lali

When I was in primary I had a friend called Memory. I used to dream about her a lot a few years ago. I dreamt of her sitting or playing outside at her mom’s place. In the dream it was always me going to her but I couldn’t understand what it meant until I picked up a book called “Mandela: The rise of the ANC” at friend’s place. The was an article about Lillian Ngoyi and saw a picture of her and her daughter “Memory.” I then remembered the dream.
You see my great grandmother is Lali and now my mom’s best is Lillian. I saw the name and immediately I knew what the dream was about. These 3 people together with a cousin, Lali who passed away are the same.
Lali was very stubborn and that was the description used to describe Lillian Ngoyi in the book. It was my cousin Lali, in a dream who once told me to take care of Lali, Lala and Lele. I didn’t understand what she meant, until now.
To me they are like Lilith a figure of evil, a female demon with long hair and wings. Her name comes from the Hebrew word for night (laila).
My theory (allegorical names) is that these people are the same because of their names.  
